Originally published at VolkStudio Blog. You can comment here or there.
I try to help people when I can. Usually, the help is with connections, images and data, sometime with money. Some people end up disappointing me and never paying back. That’s usually aggravated by a lot of lying and broken promises. I am going to highlight three such people:
Hailey Sheldon (nee Patrick), a Nashville model. I lend her a modest sum nearly three years ago with the promise of repayment in two months. I then had over twenty promises of various full or partial repayment, including texts “I am on the way with the money”. She did pay off 10% of the debt in April, but has done nothing since. Given the number of missed appointments for photo shoots (including those with generous budgets) and the number and the variety of broken promises of repayment, Hailey comes across as a pathological liar who should not be trusted with any resources that you can’t afford to just hand over. That’s too bad, as she has talent.
John Bergonzi, my former student from ITT Technical. I lend him a slightly larger sum back in 2008, having believed his sob story about impending eviction of him and his family. Near as I can tell, he skipped town soon thereafter, having borrowed from several other people as well. Listing him just for the sake of completeness.
And the most recent one is Dmitry Rudenko, whom I knew since 2010 and though was safe to help. He also pleased imminent eviction, promised to re-pay January loan within six weeks. I offered him to work off the dept doing photo retouching. He did a little work of rather poor quality, covering perhaps 25% of the loan, then stopped doing anything entirely and put me in an awkward position with regard to deadlines. He hasn’t responded in a couple of weeks, having promised to do great work if I gave him “just one more chance”. So I must rank him as untrustworthy as well, not worth helping or hiring.
Hopefully, this information would save our common acquaintances the trouble of discovering the same traps in person. Detailed documentation on all three is available.
Я стараюсь помогать людям по возможности. Иногда, я разочаровываюсь в них. Последний из таких персонажей это Дмитрий Руденко. Я его знал с 2010 и думал, что могу помочь без особого риска, тем более, что он слёзно молил ссылаясь на угрозу выселения из квартиры. Обещал вернуть январский заем через шесть недель. Я предложил отработать заем фото-ретушью. Работа была плохого качества, а потом и вовсе прекратилась. Я попал в неудобное положение с сроками проекта. Он отработал примерно четверть от всей суммы. Уже пару недель он не отвечает совсем, после обещаний сделать задание в лучшем виде если я дам ему “последний шанс”. Считаю человека ненадёжным, ни помогать ему ни нанимать его не стоит.
Надеюсь, эта информация поможет нашим общим знакомым не попадаться лично. Подробная документация в наличии.